Conexión de Cristal


Splices enable the stacking of multiple glass pieces to construct taller fins, which stabilize the glass facade.

   Product Information   
Material: 316 Grade Stainless Steel
For Use With: 19mm (3/4”) Tempered Glass*
Dimension: Vary based on engineering results or upon request
Bolt: Pin Bolt
Glass Fabrication: One 3/4" diameter hole per M16 bolt fastening to glass
Finish: Stainless Polished and Stainless Satin*

* For additional options, feel free to contact us.


Cover: Stainless Steel

Inoxidable Pulido
Stainless Polished
Inoxidable Satinado
Stainless Satin

Projects with the product

Dubai, UAE
Old Navy @ Times Square
New York City, New York, USA

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